A New Dawn for Lebanon

The government closed off the city centre at 4pm on Saturday. The entire country is on strike today. Thousands of people congregated outside the Parliament downtown as the politicians, including Rafic Hariri's sister, debated on the future of the country inside. While one MP was speaking - Marwan Hamade (who had been the target of a car bomb only a few months ago), the prime minister of Lebanon - Omar Karami - fell asleep. Then, another MP called for a minutes silence at the precise time Rafic Hariri this time two weeks ago. The Speaker of the Parliament, Nabih Berri, piped up 'What time is it? When do we have to finish?" ...if it was in a cartoon, we'd be laughing.
Well, they're all crying now. As of 7pm this evening, the government of Lebanon resigned! I don't know what will happen next but there'll be dancing on the streets tonight, that's for sure!
Judging by the timing, it looks like your Web Log is responsible for the govenment falling :-)
2:41 PM
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